Landscaping tips 6 basic steps to building a pond for your garden

Landscaping Tips: 6 Basic Steps To Building A Garden Pond

Landscaping Tips: 6 Basic Steps To Building A Garden Pond

Building a garden pond is not just a matter of digging a hole, lining it with plastic and filling it with water. There are other factors to consider such as whether it should have fish or only plants as well as how big or small it ought to be, its shape and size, and so on. Bradenton LTD Pool Screen Maintenance Services Prepare yourself to dig a decent hole and spend hours complaining about your backache but youll be very pleased with the outcome and can happily stand around, beer in hand, thanking yourself for your effort after the fact. For those who have done it, building a garden pond can be a very satisfying project indeed.

Step 1 – Decide on where to build your pond.

Naturally, level ground would be best or else youll spend far more time and effort doing the levelling yourself. A garden pond that is built under a tree is unwise because the roots will grow further and could overtake the pond’s space at some point in the future. The shade of the tree will also result in a lack of sunshine, which is essential for the survival of your pond. Since you will need electricity for the pump, proximity to an outlet is important.

Step 2 Prefabricated or do-it-yourself liner?

Prefabs are the more expensive option but you pay for ease of installation, durability and low maintenance. Liners are available in different price ranges and generally speaking, the more you pay, the longer your liner will last.

Step 3 Installation

For a prefab pond, tip it upside down on the area youve reserved, mark it out with 6 to 8 inches extra around the outside and start digging. If using liners, measure your outline, keeping in mind the dimensions of the liner you will be using. The construction of a garden pond that can last for a long time means that all debris should be cleared from the pond to avoid punctures to the bottom of the pond. Once the hole is adequate in depth and size then you can either lay the lining. Fill to about one quarter capacity with water so that the weight will keep the pond in place as you refill the gaps with soil.

Step 4 Decoration

You can now add plants, rocks, bark and stone around the banks of the pond for a more natural appearance. If you intend to add fish, plants that overhang into the water will be useful as shade and hiding spots.

Step 5 Add aquatic plants

If youre building a garden pond that doesnt have a pump, you should aim for plenty of plant life to keep algae growth under control.

Step 6 Install a pump and filter

There are dozens of models on the market and your retailer will be able to help you decide which size is best for your pond. Read the instructions and follow closely, but it’s usually an easy task to set the pump into the water, and then connect it to the hose. The filter needs to be positioned in front of the pump to draw water to pass through the filter before. The process of building a garden pond and then outfitting it will take less than a weekend this is one of the aspects which makes it satisfying.

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